LPI Tutorials

LPI Linux Essentials

0.1 What is LPI Linux Essentials
1.1 Linux Evolution and Popular Operating Systems
1.2 Major Open Source Applications

Installing and Using Libre Office on the Raspberry Pi
Using GIMP for Graphic and Photos
Image Manipulation with ImageMagick
Apache Web Server on the Raspberry Pi
MySQL Databases on the Raspberry Pi
openLDAP Directories on the Raspberry Pi
Creating Your First C Program on the Raspberry Pi
Using Python 3 on the Raspberry Pi

1.3 Understanding Open Source Software and Licensing
1.4 ICT Skills and Working with Linux

2.1 Command Line Basics
2.2 Using the Command Line to get Help
2.3 Using Directories and Listing Files
2.4 Creating, Moving and Deleting

3.1 Archiving Files from the Command Line
3.2 Searching and Extracting Data from Files
3.3 Turning Commands into Script

4.1 Choosing an Operating System
4.2 Understanding Computer Hardware
4.3 Where Data is Stored
4.4 Your Computer on the Network

5.1 Basic Security and User Types
5.2 Creating Users and Groups
5.3 Manage File Permissions and Ownership
5.4 Special Directories and Files

LPIC-1 Linux Administrator

Exam 101 LPIC-1 Part 1

1.1 Determine and configure hardware settings.
1.2 Booting the System.
1.3 Change run levels and shutdown or reboot system.
1.4 Design Hard Disk layout:  Partition tables.
1.5 Design Hard Disk layout: Managing swap space.
1.6 Design Hard Disk layout:  Planning volume usage
1.7 Design Hard Disk layout:  Logical Volume Manager.
1.8 Install a boot manager: Legacy GRUB.
1.9 Install a boot manager: GRUB2.
1.10 Manage shared libraries.
1.11 Use Debian package management
1.12 Use RPM and YUM package management
1.13 Work on the command line
1.14 Process text streams using filters: Expand and Unexpand
1.15 Process text streams using filters: Split
1.16 Making effective use of the paste command to join files
1.17 Process text streams using filters: Join
1.18 Process text streams using filters: Sed
1.19 Process text streams using filters: Tr
1.20 Process text streams using filters: Fault finding with cat and od.
1.21 Perform basic file management: mkdir, rmdir and rm -rf
1.22 Perform basic file management: cp and mv
1.23 Perform basic file management: Using find
1.24 Working with redirection, streams, and pipes
1.25 Create, monitor and kill processes
1.26 Modify Process Execution Priorities: Using top
1.27 Modify Process Execution Priorities: Using nice, renice and ps
1.28 Search text files using regular expressions
1.29 Perform basic file editing operations using vi
1.30 Create and change hard and symbolic links
1.31 Find system files and place files in the correct location.

Exam 102 LPIC-1 Part 2

2.1 Customize and use the shell environment
2.2 Customize or write simple scripts
2.3 SQL Data Management
2.4 Install and configure the X server
2.5 Setup a display manager
2.6 Accessibility Features
2.7 Manage user and group accounts and related system files
2.8 Automate system administration tasks by scheduling jobs
2.9 Localisation and internationalisation
2.10 Maintain system time
2.11 System logging
2.12 Mail transfer agents (MTA) basics
2.13 Manage printers and printing
2.14 Fundamentals of Internet protocols
2.15 Basic Network Configuration
2.16 Configure client side DNS
2.17 Perform security administration tasks
2.18 Setup host security
2.19 Securing data with encryptionClick to Access

LPIC-2 Certified Linux Engineer

1. Exam 1 201-450

1.1 Using and understanding VMSTAT
1.2 Using the sysstat package
1.3 Using netstat, lsof and iptables to measure network usage
1.4 Monitoring Load Averages with uptime, top, w and sar -q
1.5 Using Collectd to Gather Performance Data
1.6 Kernel Components
1.7 Compiling a Kernel
1.8 Kernel Runtime Management
1.9 LVM Snapshots


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