030-100: LPI Web Development Essentials

030-100: LPI Web Development Essentials

Take Your First Steps in Web Development

Modern software applications are commonly developed for the Web. The Linux Professional Institute (LPI) Web Development Essentials program supports your first steps in software development. It includes Learning Materials suitable for both training and self-study. Upon passing the Web Development Essentials exam, you receive a certificate to prove your skills.

The program objectives cover the most important aspects of Web Development. They are specifically designed to include everything needed to implement simple web applications. This makes Web Development Essentials the perfect choice for practical courses and training. In self-studies, candidates find everything they need to achieve immediate success in implementing their first projects.

LPI Web Development Essentials Exam Summary:

Exam Name LPI Web Development Essentials
Exam Code 030-100
Exam Price   $120 (USD)
Duration  60 mins
Number of Questions   40 
Passing Score   500 / 800
Books / Training   Web Development Essentials
Sample Questions   LPI Web Development Essentials Sample Questions
Practice Exam   LPI 030-100 Certification Practice Exam

LPI 030-100 Exam Syllabus Topics:

Topic Details 
Software Development and Web Technologies
Software Development Basics

Weight: 1

Description: The candidate should be familiar with the most essential concepts of software development and be aware of important programming languages.

Key Knowledge Areas:

◉ Understand what source code is
◉ Understand the principles of compilers and interpreters
◉ Understand the concept of libraries
◉ Understand the concepts of functional, procedural and object-oriented programming
◉ Awareness of common features of source code editors and integrated development environments (IDE)
◉ Awareness of version control systems
◉ Awareness of software testing
◉ Awareness of important programming languages (C, C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, Python, PHP)

Web Application Architecture

Weight: 2

Description: The candidate should understand common standards in web development technology and architecture.

Key Knowledge Areas:

◉ Understand the principle of client and server computing
◉ Understand the role of web browsers and be aware of commonly used web browsers
◉ Understand the role of web servers and application servers
◉ Understand common web development technologies and standards
◉ Understand the principles of APIs
◉ Understand the principle of relational and non-relational (NoSQL) databases
◉ Awareness of commonly used open source database management systems
◉ Awareness of REST and GraphQL
◉ Awareness of single-page applications
◉ Awareness of web application packaging
◉ Awareness of WebAssembly
◉ Awareness of content management systems

Files, terms, and utilities:

◉ Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer
◉ HTML, CSS, JavaScript
◉ SQLite, MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL
◉ MongoDB, CouchDB, Redis

HTTP Basics

Weight: 3

Description: The candidate should be familiar with the basics of HTTP. This includes understanding HTTP headers, content types, caching, and status codes. Furthermore, the candidate should understand the principles of cookies and their role for session handling and be aware of advanced HTTP features.

Key Knowledge Areas:

◉ Understand HTTP GET and POST methods, status codes, headers and content types
◉ Understand the difference between static and dynamic content
◉ Understand HTTP URLs
◉ Understand how HTTP URLs are mapped to file system paths
◉ Upload files to a web server’s document root
◉ Understand caching
◉ Understand cookies
◉ Awareness of sessions and session hijacking
◉ Awareness of commonly used HTTP servers
◉ Awareness of HTTPS and TLS
◉ Awareness of web sockets
◉ Awareness of virtual hosts
◉ Awareness of common HTTP servers
◉ Awareness of network bandwidth and latency requirements and limitations

Files, terms, and utilities:

◉ 200, 301, 302, 401, 403, 404, 500
◉ Apache HTTP Server (“httpd”), NGINX

HTML Document Markup
HTML Document Anatomy

Weight: 3

Description: The candidate should understand the anatomy and syntax of an HTML document. This includes creating basic HTML documents.

Key Knowledge Areas:

◉ Create a simple HTML document
◉ Understand the role of HTML
◉ Understand the HTML skeleton
◉ Understand the HTML syntax (tags, attributes, comments)
◉ Understand the HTML head
◉ Understand meta tags
◉ Understand character encoding

Files, terms, and utilities:

◉ <!DOCTYPE html>
◉ <html>
◉ <head>
◉ <body>
◉ <meta>, including the charset (UTF-8), name and content attributes

HTML Semantics and Document Hierarchy

Weight: 2

Description: The candidate should be able to create HTML documents with a semantic structure.

Key Knowledge Areas:

◉ Create markup for contents in an HTML document
◉ Understand the hierarchical HTML text structure
◉ Differentiate between block and inline HTML elements
◉ Understand important semantic structural HTML elements

Files, terms, and utilities:

◉ <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5>, <h6>
◉ <p>
◉ <ul>, <ol>, <li>
◉ <dl>, <dt>, <dd>
◉ <pre>
◉ <blockquote>
◉ <strong>, <em>, <code>
◉ <b>, <i>, <u>
◉ <span>
◉ <div>
◉ <main>, <header>, <nav>, <section>, <footer>

HTML References and Embedded Resources

Weight: 2

Description: The candidate should be able to link an HTML document with other documents and embed external content, such as images, videos and audio in an HTML document.

Key Knowledge Areas:

◉ Create links to external resources and page anchors
◉ Add images to HTML documents
◉ Understand key properties of common media file formats, inlcuding PNG, JPG and SVG
◉ Awareness of iframes

Files, terms, and utilities:

◉ id attribute
◉ <a>, including the href and target (_blank, _self, _parent, _top) attributes
◉ <img>, including the src and alt attributes

HTML Forms

Weight: 2

Description: The candidate should be able to create simple HTML forms containing input elements of various types.

Key Knowledge Areas:

◉ Create simple HTML forms
◉ Understand HTML form methods
◉ Understand HTML input elements and types

Files, terms, and utilities:

◉ <form>, including the method (get, post), action, and enctype attributes
◉ <input>, including the type (text, email, password, number, date, file, range, radio, checkbox, hidden) attribute
◉ <button>, including the type (submit, reset, hidden, button) attribute
◉ <textarea>
◉ common form element attributes (name, value, id)
◉ <label>, including the for attribute

CSS Content Styling
CSS Basics

Weight: 1

Description: The candidate should understand the various ways to style an HTML document using CSS. This includes the structure and syntax of CSS rules.

Key Knowledge Areas:

◉ Embedding CSS within an HTML document
◉ Understand the CSS syntax
◉ Add comments to CSS
◉ Awareness of accessibility features and requirements

Files, terms, and utilities:

◉ HTML style and type (text/css) attributes
◉ <style>
◉ <link>, including the rel (stylesheet), type (text/css) and src attributes
◉ ;
◉ /*,*/

CSS Selectors and Style Application

Weight: 3

Description: The candidate should be able to use selectors in CSS and understand how CSS rules are applied to elements within an HTML document.

Key Knowledge Areas:

◉ Use selectors to apply CSS rules to elements
◉ Understand CSS pseudo-classes
◉ Understand rule order and precedence in CSS
◉ Understand inheritance in CSS

Files, terms, and utilities:

◉ element; .class; #id
◉ a, b; a.class; a b;
◉ :hover, :focus
◉ !important

CSS Styling

Weight: 2

Description: The candidate should use CSS to add simple styles to the elements of an HTML document.

Key Knowledge Areas:

◉ Understand fundamental CSS properties
◉ Understand units commonly used in CSS

Files, terms, and utilities:

◉ px, %, em, rem, vw, vh
◉ color, background, background-*, font, font-*, text-*, list-style, line-height

CSS Box Model and Layout

Weight: 2

Description: The candidate should understand the CSS box model. This includes defining the position of elements on a website. Additionally, the candidate should understand the document flow.

Key Knowledge Areas:

◉ Define the dimension, position and alignment of elements in a CSS layout
◉ Specify how text flows around other elements
◉ Understand the document flow
◉ Awareness of the CSS grid
◉ Awareness of responsive web design
◉ Awareness of CSS media queries

Files, terms, and utilities:

◉ width, height, padding, padding-*, margin, margin-*, border, border-*
◉ top, left, right, bottom
◉ display: block | inline | flex | inline-flex | none
◉ position: static | relative | absolute | fixed | sticky
◉ float: left | right | none
◉ clear: left | right | both | none

JavaScript Programming
JavaScript Execution and Syntax

Weight: 1

Description: The candidate should be able to execute JavaScript files and inline code from an HTML document and understand basic JavaScript syntax.

Key Knowledge Areas:

◉ Run JavaScript within an HTML document
◉ Understand the JavaScript syntax
◉ Add comments to JavaScript code
◉ Access the JavaScript console
◉ Write to the JavaScript console

Files, terms, and utilities:

◉ <script>, including the type (text/javascript) and src attributes
◉ ;
◉ //, /* */
◉ console.log

JavaScript Data Structures

Weight: 3

Description: The candidate should be able to use variables in JavaScript code. This includes understanding values and data types. Furthermore, the candidate should understand assignment operators and type conversion and be aware of variable scope.

Key Knowledge Areas:

◉ Define and use variables and constants
◉ Understand data types
◉ Understand type conversion/coercion
◉ Understand arrays and objects
◉ Awareness of the variable scope

Files, terms, and utilities:

◉ =, +, -, *, /, %, –, ++, +=, -=, *=, /=
◉ var, let, const
◉ boolean, number, string, symbol
◉ array, object
◉ undefined, null, NaN

JavaScript Control Structures and Functions

Weight: 4

Description: The candidate should be able to use control structures in JavaScript code. This includes using comparison operators. Furthermore, the candidate should be able to write simple functions and understand function parameters and return values.

Key Knowledge Areas:

◉ Understand truthy and falsy values
◉ Understand comparison operators
◉ Understand the difference between loose and strict comparison
◉ Use conditionals
◉ Use loops
◉ Define custom functions

Files, terms, and utilities:

◉ if, else if, else
◉ switch, case, break
◉ for, while, break, continue
◉ function, return
◉ ==, !=, <, <=, >, >=
◉ ===, !==

JavaScript Manipulation of Website Content and Styling

Weight: 2

Description: The candidate should understand the HTML DOM. This includes manipulating HTML elements and CSS properties through the DOM using JavaScript as well as using DOM events in simple scenarios.

Key Knowledge Areas:

◉ Understand the concept and structure of the DOM
◉ Change the contents and properties of HTML elements through the DOM
◉ Change the CSS styling of HTML elements through the DOM
◉ Trigger JavaScript functions from HTML elements

Files, terms, and utilities:

◉ document.getElementById(), document.getElementsByClassName(), document.getElementsByTagName(),document.querySelector(), document.querySelectorAll()
◉ innerHTML, setAttribute(), removeAttribute() properties and methods of DOM elements
◉ classList, classList.add(), classList.remove(), classList.toggle() properties and methods of DOM elements
◉ onClick, onMouseOver, onMouseOut attributes of HTML elements

NodeJS Server Programming
NodeJS Basics

Weight: 1

Description: The candidate should understand the basics of NodeJS. This includes running a local development server as well as understanding the concept of NPM modules.

Key Knowledge Areas:

◉ Understand the concepts of Node.js
◉ Run a NodeJS application
◉ Install NPM packages

Files, terms, and utilities:

◉ node [file.js]
◉ npm init
◉ npm install [module_name]
◉ package.json
◉ node_modules

NodeJS Express Basics

Weight: 4

Description: The candidate should be able to create a simple dynamic website with the Express web framework. This includes defining simple Express routes as well as serving dynamic files through the template engine EJS.

Key Knowledge Areas:

◉ Define routes to static files and EJS templates
◉ Serve static files through Express
◉ Serve EJS templates through Express
◉ Create simple, non-nested EJS templates
◉ Use the request object to access HTTP GET and POST parameters and process data submitted through HTML forms
◉ Awareness of user input validation
◉ Awareness of cross-site Scripting (XSS)
◉ Awareness of cross-site request forgery (CSRF)

Files, terms, and utilities:

◉ express and body-parser node module
◉ Express app object
◉ app.get(), app.post()
◉ res.query, res.body
◉ ejs node module
◉ res.render()
◉ <% … %>, <%= … %>, <%# … %>, <%- … %>
◉ views/

SQL Basics

Weight: 3

Description: The candidate should be able to create individual tables in an SQLite database and add, modify and delete data using SQL. Furthermore, the candidate should be able to retrieve data from individual tables and execute SQL queries from NodeJS. This does not include referencing or combining data between multiple tables.

Key Knowledge Areas:

◉ Establish a database connection from NodeJS
◉ Retrieve data from the database in NodeJS
◉ Execute SQL queries from NodeJS
◉ Create simple SQL queries excluding joins
◉ Understand primary keys
◉ Escape variables used in SQL queries
◉ Awareness of SQL injections

Files, terms, and utilities:

◉ sqlite3 NPM module
◉ Database.run(), Database.close(), Database.all(), Database.get(), Database.each()


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