Thursday, 16 February 2023

LPI Security Essentials: New Certificate on IT Security Basics

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Linux Professional Institute (LPI) announces the availability of the new Linux Professional Institute Security Essentials certificate. The certificate covers preliminary knowledge in all important fields of IT security. This certificate is intended for students who had their first course in IT security, for all members and staff of organizations that want to improve their IT security, and for anyone who wants to attain a basic competence in the secure use of email, web sites, social media, and the devices they use everyday.

The exam objectives are available on the LPI website. They include the topics of basic security concepts, encryption, device and storage security, network and service security, identity protection, and privacy. The exam can be taken in Pearson VUE test centers, remotely on the OnVUE platform, and at all events where LPI hosts exam labs.

“The exam objectives cover a comprehensive range of topics, including typical IT security fields like encryption and data security, but also rather uncommon topics like aspects of privacy and the secure use of social media. We test the fundamental knowledge everyone should have, either as the first stage of building IT security knowledge for a professional career, or as a personal toolbox for the secure and responsible use of digital infrastructure”, says Fabian Thorns, Director of Product Development at LPI.

“Security Essentials is the third exam on our Essentials certificate track, joining Linux Essentials and Web Development Essentials. We are progressing towards a comprehensive certificate track that covers all of the major disciplines of basic information technology education.” adds G. Matthew Rice, Executive Director of LPI. He adds that “In addition to educational institutions, we would like to encourage organizations and enterprises of any kind to consider Security Essentials as a baseline of security education for all their members and employees.”

Within the year, LPI will release additional translations of the exam, including Japanese, Portuguese, German, French and Spanish, as well as Learning Materials. A continuously updated list of learning materials is available at


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